Sleepless in seatle torrent
Sleepless in seatle torrent

sleepless in seatle torrent

So begins a romantic odyssey that probably could only happen in the movies,but it makes no difference because in Ephron's capable hands, this storyworks, and it works beautifully. In the Baltimore area, writerAnnie Reed (Ryan) is listening, and touched by the sincerity in Sam's voice,she cajoles an assignment that subsequently takes her to Seattle, where sheattempts to hook up with Sam, a man she knows only as a needful, disembodiedvoice from the radio. Jonah calls her and tells their story, then takes the phoneto his dad in the next room, and in deference to his son, Sam consents totalk about his situation on National radio. Christmas and New Year's is especially tough on Sam and Jonah, and aroundthis time Jonah happens to tune into a late night talk show featuring Dr.Marcia Fieldstone (Caroline Aaron), whose job is to help her listeners withtheir problems. So they head west as far as possible, to Seattle, where Sam remainsunable to emerge from the funk of his loss. Maggie was thelove of Sam's life, and inconsolable after her passing, he decides the bestthing for himself and his son is to move to another city and try for a freshstart. The film begins on a somber note, with thefuneral of Maggie Baldwin (Carey Lowell), respectively the wife and motherof Sam Baldwin (Hanks) and his son, Jonah (Ross Malinger). When the love of a lifetime isabruptly taken away, how does one recover? Can one recover? How do you goon when your heart has been removed? All valid questions that are exploredand addressed in Nora Ephron's touching and romantic `Sleepless In Seattle,'starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. And once that `perfect' worldis created, it's devastating when something upsets the balance, as in thecase of this film, the death of a spouse. So it'simperative that individuals find that special niche for themselves, thatlittle piece of the world that becomes their own, where they can live andlove and engage in the pursuit of happiness. Regardless of how cyberspace has seemingly diminished it's size, the worldis still an awfully big place, and it's impossible for any one person tooccupy more than a minuscule portion of it at any given time.


Subtitle Sleepless in Seattle 1993 1080p BluRay x264 AAC Ozlem Subtitle 264-DON,HDWinG,AMiABLE Subtitle Sleepless in Seattle 1993 BDRip AVC mkv Subtitle Sleepless in Seattle 1993 1080p BluRay x264 anoXmous Subtitle Sleepless in Seattle 23.976 FPS Blu-ray

Sleepless in seatle torrent